
Addressing the Problem of State Economic Autonomy and Security

Strategic Imperative: Implement Policy of Competitive Federalism

The moment has come to empower states with economic autonomy. This will be the first step in several devolution phases in my strategic agenda. Under my administration, the federal government will take significant steps to devolve economic powers to states and regions, allowing them greater control over their economic affairs. This shift will enable states to independently manage key aspects of their economies, from attracting foreign direct investment to securing loans for economic development projects and building economic system and industrial infrastructure to grow and sustain their economy.

This decentralization will not only promote regional economic growth but also encourage states to tailor their economic strategies to their unique needs and potentials. By stepping back, the federal government will foster an environment where states can innovate, experiment, and implement policies that best suit their economic objectives and challenges. This approach is crucial for a more balanced and diversified national economy, where each state’s strengths are maximized and weaknesses addressed effectively.

Accordingly, my administration will prioritize the devolution of certain federal government powers to states to guarantee autonomy in economic development, resource ownership and aspects of law enforcement. The following initiatives will be actively pursued by my administration:

Champion Competitive Federalism: My government will promote a system of Competitive Federalism, emphasizing regional economic independence. Each region will specialize in its unique strengths (comparative advantages):

  1. The Northern region will become a hub for agribusiness, focusing on advanced agricultural research and the production of innovative crops for both national and global consumption. As Nigeria’s agricultural heartland, it will excel in this area, including others.
  2. The South-South region will spearhead the energy sector, combining traditional fossil fuels with renewable sources, innovative energy-based products and supply chains to power our industrial and commercial growth.
  3. The Southeast, known for its entrepreneurial spirit, will lead and drive the innovation and manufacturing sectors, creating high-quality, affordable products for both domestic and international markets.
  4. Lastly, the Southwest will be the leading national center for maritime, trade and financial service industries, playing a pivotal role in managing our nation’s financial and services economy.

Establish Regional/State-Level Law Enforcement: This initiative will see regions/states taking the lead on local criminal issues, establishing their own policing bodies like state police or highway patrol units. Region/state-specific law enforcement will enforce the varied and distinct laws of each state and the federal laws in their states. Regions/states will have the power to legislate on a wide range of issues that are not specifically reserved to the federal government by the Constitution, such as public safety, and most criminal laws. The federal government will be responsible for enforcing national laws and will handle issues that cross regional boundaries or affect the country as a whole. It will deal with areas such as, terrorism, interregional crime, and issues that concern the constitutionality of laws and the protection of the rights of citizens.

Establish State Control Over Natural Resources: Following the attainment of sufficient state economic independence, the subsequent step will be the autonomy of states regarding rights to natural resources. States will have ownership of onshore and offshore oil and gas reserves and minerals deposits within a 3-nautical-mile (5.6 km) radius from the shore, encompassing areas such as swamps, deltas, and wetlands. Beyond this 3-nautical-mile limit, the Federal government will maintain jurisdiction over minerals located on and beneath the seabed in offshore and deep water areas. This means that each state will possess considerable authority over the natural resources located within its boundaries, such as oil and gas, metals, minerals, and water. States that are rich in natural resources will remit a resource value tax to the federal authority to support initiatives of national interest and common interest programs, including payment of the Citizen’s Dividend Payout program.

Offer Assistance to Fortify Less Developed States: Recognizing that not all states possess the necessary technical and administrative workforce or the economic framework to immediately thrive upon the commencement of state economic autonomy, my administration will extend technical assistance to these less developed states to ensure their stabilization.

Minimize the Potential for Economic Disruption: My administration will develop and implement risk mitigation strategies to ensure that this autonomous and competitive approach among states enriches rather than diminishes our national cohesion, avoiding economic and social disparities and supporting our federal objectives.

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